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Join Our Family

Members Benefits

Member material

TCTC Membership certificate which can be displayed on your premises

The Cradle of Humankind  logo, relevant experience badges and TCTC logo may be used on your website and other marketing material


E-mail newsletter filled with relevant industry news and related information

Communications from national, regional and local government tourist bodies

Communications from other tourist bodies such as Tourism Safety Initiative etc.

Marketing opportunities

Opportunities to submit news to, and advertise at reduced rates on the  TCTC website and e-mail newsletter to TCTC members

Opportunity to promote your product to TCTC members and member meetings in various forms (brochure distribution, presentations, exhibition table etc. – situation dependant)

Member Listing on the TCTC website experience page with link to your website

Listing on member database

Referrals through the TCTC office

Member Benefits cont....

Continuing education and networking

Access to free online  entrepreneurial, leadership and marketing training courtesy of “E-Cademy, Train-In-A-Day Online School for Professionals”

Educational, networking and information sharing meetings with industry peers (members meetings)

Adhoc information sessions , workshops, forums and member events with informative speakers on educational and value adding topics

organised by sector


Representing & lobbying members interests on industry platforms

Influencing and informing decisions affecting the industry

Consolidated line of communication to strategic organisations in the tourism industry

Financial advantages

Specially negotiated reduced credit card machine rates

Membership Fees

Joining fee: An activation fee of R640 applicable to new members or where membership has lapsed and must be reinstated.

Note: Membership is per property or per business not per group/umbrella body.

View the 2021/22 membership categories and fees: Suppliers to industry

How to apply

Complete this online application form

Supplier to Industry

For enquiries email (Mel)